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Gender, Digitalization, Green: Ensuring a Sustainable Future for all in Europe

The Erasmus+ project is composed by:

🏫 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (Coordinator)

🏫 National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest

🏫 Autonomous University of Barcelona

🏫 University of Porto (U.Porto)

🏫 Uzhhorod National University

About project

A partnership of 5 universities (USAMV & UPB-RO, UAB-ES, U Porto-PT & U Uzhhorod-UK) prepared the proposal for econtent on topics of European Green Deal (EGD) & digital learning methodologies based on chatbot, gamification & AI.

This project aims to create innovative curricula and materials for university education, designed to prepare students for careers in a green economy and society, equipped with digital skills.

Project duration is 2.5 years, from 01/09/2023 until 28/02/2026 (30 months).

The project's goal is to enhance the university education of young people by teaching them principles and technologies in line with the EU Green Deal, as well as digital skills.

The project will focus on two areas:

→ Green environmental engineering (based on the Structural Elements of the European Green Deal, EGD), e.g. Climate Change, Green Energy, Industrial Strategy for Circular Economy, Green Agriculture, Biodiversity, and Zero Pollution

→ Development of modern approaches to Digital Education (DEdu) including relevant supporting materials (i.e. the students' progress and competencies will be evaluated using digital education methods such as chatbots, gamification, and/or AI techniques).

The project's implementation can make a significant contribution to university education and can be adopted by Master and/or PhD programs, as well as other European universities looking to educate students in green and digital technologies

Target-groups: postgraduate students & professors involved in Green Eng. & IT. The objectives are the elaboration of curricula, content & focus seminars for EGD topics, & digital education methods by integrating gender equity.

Map of partner universities