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Expected results

The project will address the most important challenges launched by the European Green Deal (EGD), in two main domains:

→ Green energy production at various scales;

→ Environmental engineering to assure sustainability and to join circular economy, bioeconomy, and green economy to fulfill the needs based on renewable processes. Another important challenge of now-a-day learning is based on digital and innovative education methodologies, able to determine fast, in-deep learning. At the same time these learning methods can be applied further on in the professional environment of the former students.

The concrete results of the project:


→ Developed curricula and contents for a general (main) course regarding the European Green Seal, with the following modules: Climate Change, Green Energy, Industrial Strategy for Circular Economy, Green Agriculture, Biodiversity, and Zero Pollution

→ Implementation of digital education methodologies based on chatbot solutions, gamification, and Artificial Intelligence techniques, suitable for the students to learn new digital methodologies.

→ Focus seminars:

• Carbon Footprint Calculation;

• Environmental Kuznets Curve in the partnership countries will be implemented for stakeholders.


→ Improved cooperation and coordination between the participating organizations, by sharing expertise, knowledge and best practices.

→ Increased awareness and understanding of the importance of the EU Green Deal and the role of green technologies in addressing the environmental challenges of our times.

→ Fostering a gender-sensitive work environment that promotes gender equality and diversity.

Our plans for sharing and promoting the project results are as follows:

→ 1.Within the partnership: The results of the project will be shared and discussed within the partnership through regular meetings and teleconferences, as well as through a dedicated project website and a project management system, where all the project documents and deliverables will be available for the partners.

→ 2. In local communities: The results of the project will be promoted in the local communities through presentations and workshops organized by the partners, and through the participation in local and regional events, such as conferences, fairs, and exhibitions.

→ 3. In the wider public: The results of the project will be made known to the wider public through dissemination activities, such as the publication of articles, papers, and reports in scientific journals and conference proceedings, and through the participation in international events.

→ 4. Main target groups: The main target groups we intend to share the results of the project with are: students, professors & scientists involved in Green Engineering; enterprises & SMEs, & NGOs interested in green technologies and digitalization; public authorities and policy makers interested in the same topics; other relevant stakeholders.

→ 5. Online Platforms: The project results will also be shared through online platforms such as project website, LinkedIn, ResearchGate, and other relevant e-platforms for easily accessible results.

→ 6. Exploitation of results: The results will be exploited by the partners through the integration of the curricula and digital education methodologies in their own education and research activities, and by promoting their uptake and replication by other universities and research institutes, enterprises and SMEs, and public authorities.

Overall, the project results will contribute to the EGD implementation & the transition to a clean, circular economy and restoration of biodiversity.