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Autonomous University of Barcelona

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is a generalist campus-based University, hosting an overall amount of 36.000 students (2017-18) among graduate, master and doctorate students. The UAB has a total number of 3673 employee, and plays a worldwide leading role in scientific research and its wide range of disciplines, in both education and research, indicates its multidisciplinary approach.

The UAB holds a leading position in the most prestigious and influential international university rankings due to the growing impact of its research, the constant improvement of the quality of teaching and the ability to attract international talent: UAB is the second-ranked university in Spain in according to the Times of Higher Education World University Ranking (THE WUR) 2019 and occupying position 145 in the world ranking. The UAB's commitment to internationalisation is reflected in its agreements with universities of all over the world, that potentiates exchanges and joint projects for students, researchers and staff, and with the creation of an International Projects Office (OPI), that brings specialised support to researchers and staff in the preparation of projects and, once granted, in its management and implementation within the institution