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Uzhhorod National University

SU 'Uzhhorod National University' belongs to the classic universities of Ukraine, was established in 1945, holding the highest 4th level of accreditation. It is one of the largest universities in the Carpathian region. UzhNU performs active international cooperation with 128 universities in 25 countries worldwide and is a member of the following international organization: Magna Charta Universitatum, European University Association, Danube Rectors Conference, International Consortium of Universities, European Partnership University Cluster and Partnerships between UK and Ukrainian Universities (TWINNING). SU 'Uzhhorod National University' takes 251-300th position in QS World University Rankings by Region, 8th position according to Webometrics Ranking. In the international ranking U-Multirank SU 'Uzhhorod National University' takes 18th among the 91 best universities in Ukraine. UzhNU takes high 9th position in the Green Metric World University Rankings among 17 Ukrainian Universities. Nowadays, there are 16 477 students studying at UzhNU. The University provides education according to the major qualification and educational levels "Junior specialist", "Bachelor", "Master", "Doctorate/Ph.D". The University provides a wide range of educational services and is entitled to train experts who can obtain the following educational and educational research degrees: - Junior Bachelor’s degree – 7 curricula - At the first level of tertiary education (Bachelor’s degree) – 109 curricula; - At the second level of tertiary education (Master’s degree) – 83 curricula; At the third level of tertiary education (Doctor of Philosophy) – 21 curricula. The university has 19 faculties, 2 educational-scientific institutes, 108 departments, the natural sciences and humanities college, 20 institutes, centers, and laboratories, the research library, the botanical garden, and 4 museums. Today, the university has a strong professionally qualified teaching staff. More than 1,502 full-time teaching staff members take part in the educational process. The teaching staff members publish actively their papers in editions, indexed in international databases Scopus and Web of Science.

According to international scientometric data, Uzhhorod National University has ranked stably among Ukraine’s 10 leading scientific centers. The University takes pride in its 150 doctors of science, 136 candidates of science, 12 laureates of State prize, 57 Doctors Honoris Causa, 2 corresponding members of the National Academy of Science, and 2 corresponding members of the branches of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine.