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First meeting in Romania at National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest

The first transnational meeting was attended by representatives from each European university in the consortium, respectively: University Autonoma de Barcelona Spain (UAB Spain): 2 participants; University of Porto 1 participant; National University Uzhhorod Ukraine (Uzhhorod University) 2 participants; National University of Science and Technology Politehnica of Bucharest (UNSTB) - four participants; University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest (USAMV Bucharest- the Project Coordinator) 5 participants.

In the first part, a representative from each consortium’ member did a short presentation of own university, stressing the activities and the previous experience in connection with the project.

In the second part of the meeting, another important point was related to the project’ implementation plan. The 5 work packages were presented with objectives and activities for each participant in the consortium. The project responsible from each university asked questions and received extensive answers related to the implementation of the work packages in each project partner university. The financial implementation plan was discussed with emphasis on monitoring and reporting expenses for each work package, and a simulation of an interim report was presented, for better understanding of any issue in connection with project’ financial implementation and expenditures reporting. The period of the first Learning Teaching Training session, which was scheduled at UAB Spain, has now been established. All the partners confirmed that they agree that this activity should remain as it was initially foreseen in the project, the period May 20-25, 2024.