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University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine (Coordinator)

The University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest (UASVMB) is one of the oldest education institutions in Romania (1852). Along the 157 years of its existence, USAMVB underwent multiple transformations, but a constant feature of the activity was the focus on high-performance education. Nowadays, the University with 7 faculties is a modern education institution with all the forms of higher education, ranging from BSc to MSc and PhD studies, and organizing specific vocational training. USAMVB provides BSc, MSc and PhD education and scientific research activities in order to train top specialists whose competences meet the demands of the labour market in the fundamental fields of "Engineering Sciences" and "Biological and biomedical sciences".

USAMV offers students both the necessary adequate infrastructure for education and research, fully equipped laboratories and scientific research stations, and great opportunities for spending their free time in the university. Currently, the university consists of 7 faculties (Agriculture; Horticulture; Animal Sciences; Veterinary Medicine; Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering; Biotechnologies; Management, Economic Engineering in Agriculture and Rural Development) and 2 branches (in Călărași and Slatina), comprising 12,000 enrolled students, and 629 teaching staff-researchers and associated teaching staff has multidisciplinary research laboratories as well as a greenhouse, all designed to European standards, providing competitiveness both at national and international level. USAMV belongs to the network of public higher education institutions recognized with the “High level of academic trust” award in 2010, which programmes of study are accredited / authorized.