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National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB), the applicant of the project, started its activity in 1818, being the oldest engineering school in Romania. UPB has as objective to train technical specialists capable of applying their technical, scientific and cultural knowledge in supporting the technological and economic progress of multiple areas, such as lT, automation, electrical engineering, material engineering etc. The goal of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest is to create an environment where education, research and innovation mix together to support an evolving society and economy. UPB promotes modern educational techniques, adapted to European and international needs, preparing engineers capable of adapting to new technologies in a continuously evolving society and economy. Graduates from UPB are encouraged to focus their work towards creating a sustainable and steadily improving society.

University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest comprises more than 25000 students and more than 1650 people comprising the academic personnel. These numbers are divided among the 15 faculties the University comprises. The faculties are divided in 57 departments, making use of 38 research centers, 6 interdisciplinary research-training platforms and 9 Multiple Users Research Databases (MURD).With a sustainable activity in multiple fields, UPB is recognized both at national and European level, benefiting from several educational and research projects, such as FPS, FP6, FP7, Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, Tempus, CEEX. In addition, the university has initiated and coordinated multiple international programs in various fields. This allowed the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest to considerably improve its infrastructure and acquire the latest technologies to be used for research and development enhancing the educational process. As a result, both research and educational activities were encouraged and supported in a sustainable manner, assuring quality training for students as well as for teachers, who were assisted in improving their methods. As a result, the activities carried out in this institution are in accordance with the current state of the technological and economic environment. The National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) also confirmed the high quality of the learning activities of the university by granting UPB the status of a provider of educational programs with high confidence.